Master Enterprise Hosting Agreement

Version 11.10.0

CDCK and Customer agree:


Statements of Work

Relationship to Master

When Customer and CDCK agree to a written Statement of Work under this agreement, the terms of this agreement govern that Statement of Work. A statement of work may cover discussion forum hosting, development of Discourse Plugins, Discourse Themes, and other customizations, or other related services.

With Affiliates

When an Affiliate of CDCK or an Affiliate of Customer agrees to a Statement of Work, the Affiliate is CDCK or Customer for the purposes of that Statement of Work. However, unless the Statement of Work specifically says otherwise, CDCK and Customer remain responsible for the obligations of any Affiliate agreeing to a Statement of Work.

Conflicts of Terms

The terms of a Statement of Work override any conflicting terms of this agreement, but only for that Statement of Work.

Privacy-Compliance Terms

If Customer and CDCK sign an addendum adding privacy-compliance terms to these terms, those privacy-compliance terms govern. Otherwise, to the extent required by applicable data protection law, the data processing addendum published at https://discourse.org/data-processing-addendum on the date of this agreement governs.

CDCK’s Obligations

CDCK takes on these obligations for each Statement of Work. Obligations for Customer’s Forum apply only if the Statement of Work covers forum hosting.

Host Customer’s Forum

CDCK agrees to run Discourse so that Users can use the Feature Set by visiting Customer’s Forum with systems meeting requirements in the Documentation, within the Use Limits agreed in the Statement of Work.

Set Up Discourse

CDCK agrees to set up Discourse and Discourse Plugins for Customer’s Forum as agreed in the Statement of Work.

Configure Discourse Services and Limits

CDCK agrees to configure Customer’s Forum to use CDCK’s preferred e-mail, file-storage, and other back-end services, as well as hard and soft technical limits, like limits on e-mails sent per day and the size of uploaded files, that reflect the typical operational and security needs of customers using Discourse for similar kinds of forums.

Maintain Customer’s Forum

CDCK agrees to continuously upgrade Customer’s Forum to run the Latest Version of Discourse.

Ensure Service Levels

Service-Level Agreement

So long as Customer meets Customer’s Obligations and Customer’s Forum remains within the Use Limits, CDCK agrees to host Customer’s Forum with Uptime of no less than 99.9%.

Give Credits for Low Uptime

CDCK agrees to credit Customer’s account on Notice and verification that CDCK failed to provide service according to Service-Level Agreement during the current Service Month or any of the six prior Service Months:

Apply Credits

CDCK agrees to apply credits under Give Credits for Low Uptime against Customer’s obligations to pay Hosting Fees under the Statement of Work to the next bill for services under that Statement of Work. CDCK does not agree to refund any credits.

Refund Hosting Fees for Low Uptime

If CDCK credits Customer’s account under Give Credits for Low Uptime for three out of any six Service Months in a row, and Customer ends the Statement of Work at the end of those Service Months, citing low Uptime, CDCK agrees to refund all Hosting Fees that Customer paid for forum hosting under the Statement of Work for the three Service Months, as well as any Prepaid Hosting Fees.

Keep Customer Data Confidential

CDCK agrees not to access, use, or disclose Customer Data without Permission, except:

Provide Downloads of Customer Data

CDCK agrees to ensure that the Administrator Dashboard provides on-demand downloads of the contents of the database for Customer’s Forum in the preferred format for importing into a new instance of Discourse. Up to once every seven calendar days, CDCK agrees to task relevant personnel to fulfill requests to download any other data stored elsewhere, such as file attachments, images, and uploads, as Regular Support Requests.

Delete Data After the Agreement Ends

CDCK agrees to delete all its copies of Customer Data for Customer’s Forum within thirty days after its obligation under Provide Downloads of Customer Data ends. If CDCK has a data backup system in place that keeps copies of Customer Data longer, according to a fixed schedule, CDCK may keep its backup copies in that system until they are scheduled for deletion.

Provide Source Code for Closed-Source Deliverables

CDCK agrees to make the full source code for any Proprietary Deliverables and Enterprise Deliverables used for Customer’s Forum available to Customer to download. On written request, CDCK agrees to provide Customer an Internet address at which Customer can download the source code free of charge.

Take Security Precautions

CDCK agrees to take security precautions to defend Customer’s Forum from malicious technical attack and Data Breach according to CDCK’s security brief published at https://discourse.org/security on the date of the Statement of Work.

Prepare for Disasters

CDCK agrees to:

Provide Support


CDCK agrees to respond to Customer Support Requests from Customer Personnel via e-mail about:

Support Request Triage


CDCK agrees to respond to Support Requests as follows:

Refund Hosting Fees for Unresponsive Support

If CDCK fails to meet Responsiveness for three out of any six Service Months in a row, and Customer ends the Statement of Work at the end of those Service Months, citing poor support responsiveness, CDCK agrees to refund 5% of all Hosting Fees that Customer paid for forum hosting under the Statement of Work for the three Service Months, as well as any Prepaid Hosting Fees.

Use Responsible Subcontractors

CDCK agrees to make sure its employees and contractors abide by Keep Customer Data Confidential, Take Security Precautions, Prepare for Disasters, and Keep Malicious Code Out of the Software. CDCK may contract with others for computer systems used to host Customer’s Forum to Customer.

Publish Documentation

CDCK agrees to host the Documentation so Customer personnel can read it on the Internet.

Refund Prepaid Hosting Fees for Removed Features

If CDCK changes or removes Software Features from the Latest Version of Discourse that were part of the Feature Set, substantially reducing how useful Discourse is to Customer, Customer may end the Statement of Work at the end of the next Service Month by giving Notice. CDCK agrees to refund any Prepaid Hosting Fees as of the end of the Statement of Work.

Keep Malicious Code Out of the Software

CDCK agrees to make sure the Latest Version of Discourse, Discourse Plugins, Discourse Themes, and any other customizations developed by CDCK to host Customer’s Forum remain free of computer viruses, Trojans, worms, and other malicious code compromising the security of Customer’s Forum and Users’ computers.

Limit Validation Code in the Software

CDCK agrees not to include any code that automatically disables Software Features based on monitoring of Use Limits. CDCK may include code that monitors Use Limits, validates administrative Access Credentials, reports results back to CDCK systems, and alerts Users to overages.

Protect Customer from Liability

So long as Customer has paid all Hosting Fees and any Hosting Expenses as required by the agreement:

Indemnify Customer

Subject to Indemnification Process, CDCK agrees to give Customer Indemnification for any Infringement or Noncompliance Claim.

Give Notice of Infringement and Noncompliance Claims

CDCK agrees to give Customer prompt Notice of any Infringement or Noncompliance Claim.

Carry Insurance

Maintain Relevant Coverages

CDCK agrees to carry insurance policies meeting the following criteria or better, covering the entire term of the agreement, plus an additional six calendar months. CDCK may satisfy coverage limits with combinations of primary and umbrella excess coverage that result in the same coverage as a single policy meeting the required limits.

Use Highly Rated Insurers

CDCK agrees to meet Maintain Relevant Coverages with policies from insurers with the following minimum ratings:

Provide Proof of Insurance Coverage

On written request, CDCK agrees to provide Customer proof of insurance coverage required by Maintain Relevant Coverages.

Protect Customer After the Statement of Work Ends

The following CDCK obligations continue after the Statement of Work ends and after this agreement ends:

Customer’s Obligations

Customer takes on these obligations for each Statement of Work. Obligations for Customer’s Forum apply only if the Statement of Work covers forum hosting.

Pay Fees and Expenses

Customer agrees to pay all amounts as agreed in the Statement of Work. Customer agrees to pay all tax on amounts owed under this agreement, except tax CDCK owes on income.

Pay On Time

Unless the Statement of Work says otherwise, Customer agrees to pay all undisputed charges on each bill within thirty calendar days of receipt.

Dispute Fees Promptly

Customer agrees to give CDCK Notice of any suspected error on a bill before the deadline for payment, and both parties agree to assign relevant personnel to resolve any concerns about bill accuracy in good faith. Customer agrees to pay the undisputed part of each bill by the original deadline, and any part of the bill resolved later within thirty calendar days of resolution.

Handle Tax Withholding

If Customer is located outside the United States, and local law requires Customer to withhold taxes on amounts paid under this agreement:

Follow Rules About Use

Customer agrees to use Customer’s Forum consistent with the use case agreed in the Statement of Work. Customer agrees not to:

Enforce Rules About Use

Customer agrees to make sure Customer Personnel abide by Follow Rules About Use.

Warn of High-Traffic Events

Customer agrees to give CDCK Notice at least thirty calendar days before any scheduled events, such as advertising campaigns, promotions, or conferences, that Customer anticipates might drive more than twice the usual page views per day to Customer’s Forum.

Update Account Details

Customer agrees to keep its contact, payment, and other administrative details complete, accurate, and up-to-date. Customer agrees to do so through the Account Dashboard whenever possible, and otherwise by Notice.

Post Public Terms, Notices, and Policies

Customer agrees to post terms of service, privacy notices, and policies to Customer’s Forum as needed to comply with the law and to allow CDCK to process Customer Data in compliance with the law and this agreement.

Respond to Follow-Ups

Customer agrees to make sure that relevant Customer Personnel respond quickly to follow-up questions about Support Requests, configuration, development of Discourse Plugins, Discourse Themes, and other customizations, as well as other CDCK services.

Indemnify CDCK

Subject to Indemnification Process, Customer agrees to give CDCK Indemnification for any Legal Claim based on Customer’s breach of this agreement or Use of Customer’s Forum at Customer’s Own Risk.

Protect CDCK After the Statement of Work Ends

Customer’s obligations under Pay Fees and Expenses and Indemnify CDCK continue after the Statement of Work ends and after this agreement ends.

Intellectual Property

Existing and Outside IP

This agreement does not change ownership of any Intellectual Property Right held by either side before entering into any Statement of Work or created outside the scope of any Statement of Work.

Open Source Licenses

Customer’s licenses for Discourse and open source Discourse Plugins are those of their respective public open source software licenses, interpreted as entirely independent legal documents, separate from these terms. Obligations and guarantees about Discourse and open source Discourse Plugins in this agreement, such as in CDCK’s Obligations, are in addition to the terms of those standard open source licenses. This section ensures that Customer can keep relying on published guidance and prior conclusions about open source software licenses in standard form.

Hosting Tools

CDCK develops and uses Hosting Tools in the form of software and software configurations for setting up, hosting, monitoring, and upgrading Discourse for multiple customers on a variety of infrastructure platforms. This agreement does not change ownership of any Intellectual Property Right in Hosting Tools held by CDCK before entering into Statement of Work or created during work under any Statement of Work.


Open Source Deliverables

CDCK will own every Intellectual Property Right in work designated Open Deliverables in every Statement of Work. CDCK grants Customer licenses for Open Deliverables that are part of Discourse on the same public open source software license terms as Discourse itself, and licenses for other work, including work on open source Discourse Plugins, on the terms of The MIT License. Those licenses will be interpreted according to Open Source Licenses. CDCK agrees to publish source code for Open Deliverables to the Internet.

Proprietary Deliverables

Customer will own every Intellectual Property Right in work designated Proprietary Deliverables in every Statement of Work. Subject to Existing and Outside IP, Proprietary Deliverables are “work made for hire” to the extent possible under copyright law. CDCK assigns every Intellectual Property Right in Proprietary Deliverables that cannot be work made for hire to Customer, and waives all moral rights in Proprietary Deliverables. Customer agrees that CDCK may develop work with functionality similar to that of Proprietary Deliverables for other customers, or to release as open source.

Enterprise Deliverables

CDCK will own every Intellectual Property Right in work designated Enterprise Deliverables in every Statement of Work. Conditional on payment of all fees for Enterprise Deliverables under the relevant Statement of Work, CDCK grants Customer a perpetual, nonexclusive license covering all copyrights and patent rights CDCK has in those Enterprise Deliverables that Customer needs to make use of those Enterprise Deliverables, with or without changes, as part of Customer’s Forum. Customer may not publish or distribute copies of Enterprise Deliverables, other than for this purpose. This license is intended to enable Customer to continue hosting Customer’s Forum and use Enterprise Deliverables, or have another company do so, if the relevant Statement of Work ends.

Unspecified Deliverables

Unless the Statement of Work says otherwise, any new components developed as part of adapting Customer’s design into Discourse Themes for Customer are Enterprise Deliverables. Otherwise, deliverables not designated Open Deliverables, Proprietary Deliverables, or Enterprise Deliverables are Open Deliverables.


Changes Customer May Make

Changes CDCK May Make


Valid Excuses

Neither side will be liable for any failure or delay in meeting any service level or other obligation caused by a Disaster, failure of the other side or its personnel to meet their obligations, or actions done or delayed on written request of the other side.

Only Express Warranties

Except for its obligations in CDCK’s Obligations, CDCK provides Customer’s Forum and all work “as is”. CDCK disclaims any warranties the law might otherwise imply, like warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, title, or noninfringement.

Limited Damages

Damages Cap

Subject to Damages Cap Exceptions, neither side’s total liability for Legal Claims related to this agreement will exceed the amount of Hosting Fees that Customer paid or became liable to pay to CDCK under this agreement for forum hosting in the twelve calendar months before the first Legal Claim is filed. This cap applies even if the side liable was told the other could suffer damages.

Damages Cap Exceptions

Damages Cap does not apply to damages that cannot be limited by law, or to damages for breach of:

No Unforeseeable Damages

Neither side will be liable for breach-of-contract damages they could not have reasonably foreseen at the time of breach.


Indemnification Process

Both sides agree that to receive Indemnification, they must give Notice of any covered Legal Claim quickly, allow the other side to control investigation, defense, and settlement, and cooperate with those efforts. Both sides agree that if they fail to give Notice of any covered Legal Claim quickly, Indemnification will not cover amounts that could have been defended against or mitigated if Notice had been given quickly. Both sides agree that if they take control of the defense and settlement of any Legal Claim covered by Indemnification, they will not agree to any settlements that admit fault or impose obligations on the other side without their Permission.

Notice Process

Both sides agree that to give Notice, the side giving Notice must send by e-mail to the notice address the recipient gave with its signature to these terms. Either side can change their e-mail address for Notice going forward by giving Notice of a new address. If either side finds that e-mail can’t be delivered to the e-mail address for notice, it must give Notice by registered mail to the address on file for the recipient with the state under whose laws it is organized. CDCK may also alert Users of Customer’s Forum that Customer is behind on payment through banner messages on the Administrator Dashboard and other pages of Customer’s Forum, but those banners alone will not count as Notice.


Statement of Work Termination

Automatic Termination

This agreement will automatically end when six calendar months have passed with no continuing Statement of Work.

Premature Termination

If either side ends this agreement prematurely, each Statement of Work continues, but no new Statement of Work can be agreed under it. The terms of this agreement continue only with respect to each continuing Statement of Work.

General Contract Terms

Choice of Law

California law will be the law of this agreement and each Statement of Work under it. That law includes both substantive and procedural rules, but excludes any rules that would apply the law of any other state. That law will decide:

Government Procurement

Discourse and Discourse Plugins are commercial computer software, and the Documentation is commercial computer software documentation. All were developed exclusively at private expense. If Customer’s procurement is subject to Federal Acquisition Regulation 12.212 or Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 227.7202, Customer’s rights will be only those stated in this agreement and the relevant Statement of Work.

Whole Agreement

Both sides intend this agreement and each Statement of Work under it as the final, complete, and only expression of their terms about services under them. However, this does not affect the terms of any separate nondisclosure or confidentiality agreement CDCK and Customer may have.


Only CDCK and Customer may enforce this agreement.


Each side may assign all its rights, licenses, and obligations under this agreement, as a whole, to a new legal entity created to change its jurisdiction or legal form of organization, or to an entity that acquires substantially all of its assets or enough securities to control its management. Otherwise, each side needs Permission to assign any right or license under this agreement. Attempts to assign against these terms will have no legal effect.



Both sides agree to bring any Lawsuit in San Francisco Courts.

Exclusive Jurisdiction

Both sides consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of San Francisco Courts. Both sides may enforce judgments from San Francisco Courts in other jurisdictions.

Inconvenient Forum Waiver

Both sides waive any objection to venue for any Lawsuit in San Francisco Courts and any claim that the other brought any Lawsuit in San Francisco Courts in an inconvenient forum.


All currency amounts in these terms and any Statement of Work under them are amounts of United States dollars.
